Mengjie Mo - Bell Ring

Wearing Red: Ignite the Fire


Artist Statement: Mo examines the various values of the color and concept of red and uses her voice and tactile sensations to describe my inner experience. The oddity of randomness and the beauty of mathematical logic occurring in the same piece represents that she is using her work as an outlet to explore a random woman's adventure in this world. Textile and beading work throughout history have shackled women's lives but also contain women's magic. By using the tension of beads and thread, Mo’s practice calls back the memory of typical historical women's labor. But now women's traditional skills are her new weapon to fight patriarchy. While she is most familiar with such endeavors within feminism, her practice is also expanding into smoothing out self-other power struggles in other relationships, advocating for a more interconnected and inclusive world.

Materials: Glass Beads

Curated by Charon Kransen, Wearing Red: Ignite the Fire is a traveling exhibition featuring over 60 critically acclaimed international artists. Conceptually, this exhibition explores the various meanings associated with this bold color - be it passion, love, lust, anger, war, religion, or status, to name a few.